Herefordshire small area population estimates
7/21/2023 9:57:00 AM
Population estimates from the Census 2021 for small areas within Herefordshire are now available on Population around the county.
Figures are available for the numbers of people in Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs), wards and parishes, by age group and sex.
Key points include –
- Over half of Herefordshire’s residents live in areas defined as ‘rural’, with the majority of these in the most rural ‘village and dispersed’ areas
- Just under a third of residents live Hereford city
- The built-up areas of the county have grown more rapidly than the rural areas during the last two decades
- Hereford city has relatively high proportions of young adults and young children; the most rural areas have relatively more people of older working and early retirement age and the market towns have a profile more similar to the county overall.