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Ageing population

Herefordshire has higher proportions of residents in their early fifties and above than nationally and generally lower relative proportions of young people – see ‘Population pyramid’ in related documents for an illustration of how Herefordshire’s age structure compares with England & Wales.

Numbers in the older age groups have been growing at a disproportionately high rate in Herefordshire and people aged 65 and over currently account for around a quarter (26%) of the county’s total population. This age group will continue growing at a high rate with numbers aged 85+ rising even more rapidly.

Herefordshire’s working age population grew by around 5K in the few years following the expansion of the EU in 2004, largely as a result of younger working age adults moving into the county from the EU. However, numbers have fallen by around 4K to around 109K people over the last 10 years.

There is a lower proportion of children in Herefordshire (16%) compared with nationally (19%). Numbers had fallen by -5% over the last decade compared with a 4% increase nationally. A recent decline in fertility rates, both locally and nationally, will mean that numbers of children are likely to continue declining.